To help you get the most out of your Participage, we have prepared a list of simple HTML commands to help you customize the editable text area of your page. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the programming language used to create World Wide Web documents. With a minimal understanding of this language, you will be able to add boldface type, italics, paragraph spacing, and other features in your text.

If you choose not to use HTML elements, your page will still look ok! You must understand, however, that your words will appear in a single block of text, with no formatting or paragraph breaks.

HTML relies on a set of "tags" to format a document. For example, the "tag" to begin boldface type is <B>. The tag to end boldface type is </B>. Here is how the tag would look in a text box:

I would like <B>this set of words</B> to be in boldface.

The result when viewed in your browser would be:

I would like this set of words to be in boldface.

You can apply this same principal to other tags. You'll have a tag to begin an <action>, and another tag (with a slash) to end the </action>.

Perhaps the most useful tag will be the paragraph tag. By using a simple tag to start and end your paragraphs, your text will look appropriate on your site. Here's an example of a simple paragraph, correctly tagged with HTML:

<P>This is a simple paragraph. You will notice that the beginning has a "P" within a "less-than" and "greater-than" sign. That signifies the beginning of a paragraph. Here comes the end!</P>

Here is a table of the most useful HTML tags:

Center <div align="center"></div>
Heading 1(Largest)<h1></h1>
Heading 2<h2></h2>
Heading 3<h3></h3>
Horizontal Line<hr>(none)
Line Break (Carriage return)<br>(none)

To add a link to another page, use the following format:

I would like to <a href="http://www.ontv.com">create a link to www.ontv.com</a>

Simply substitute the web address for the one you want to link to... any wording between the "a href" tag and the "/a" tag will become clickable. The example above would result in this:

I would like to create a link to www.ontv.com